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The Basic Competence of Curriculum 2013 PAUD (TK, KB, TPA, SPS). PAUD includes the most fundamental education because the development of children in the future is largely determined by the variety of meaningful stimulation given from an early age.

Early childhood education should be prepared in a planned and holistic way so that the development of children are fully stimulated, thus developing the potential of each children. 


The 2013 Early Childhood Curriculum was created with the aim of encouraging the development of learners optimally so as to provide a basis for becoming an Indonesian human who has the ability to live as a person and citizen who is faithful, productive, creative, innovative and affective and able to contribute to the life of society, nation, and world civilization.


The curriculum can be analogized as a program designed to achieve goals. If the goal is the Level of Child Development Achievement, then the curriculum as the early childhood development program to reach that aspect of development.


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